Γνῶθι σαυτόν ~ know thyself

a Delphic maxim

Game On!

Knowing thyself means knowing your shit. In this course you're sorting out How to Organize, Understand, & Savvy your Experiential Situation in Everyday Society (outH.O.U.S.E.S.) because it's all about sorting your shit out as well as figuring shit out!

You'll discover lots of ways to 'chart' your course, to map I.T. (Interfacing Technology) out & to discover information about your Genetic User Interface's personal-I.T. and your Programmed Activity of Transactions in your Human-I.T. (P.A.T.H.).

What is your technical magical-I.T. modus operandi? What attributes are programmed into your Genetic User Interface's personal-I.T.? What assets do you have available to you? What phases are there in your system's lifecycle and which one are you in now? Can you geolocate answers to these questions by exploring & cross-referencing various 'maps' of information that you may then use to navigate playing in The Game of Life?

Well, yes, based on doing this for myself (where do you think I got the idea for this course?) and it gave me some very interesting information that I use (and still reference) to navigate myself along my way. Figured distilling this personal experimentation into a course might be useful to you as it's been for me.

YOU is what you are seeking & geeking about in What's Your G.A.M.E.. And there are SO many ways to do this!

Have some fun geo-locating yourself in this Earth's rendition of The Game of Life as you figure out What's Your G.A.M.E.!

There is little in the way of reference material — spiritual or otherwise — that explains what tangible accessible power really is or how to get it. ~ Thomas Ashley-Farrand
... which is why Atlas creates resources, like this one, experientially exploring all sorts of cool shit so you can play with I.T. in your G.U.I & employ your personal power with actual savvy!!!


Caveat: you've got to figure your shit out yourself to empower yourself, as well as figure out how The Game of Life works and plays with you, so you can play with I.T..


I.T.'s the coolest technology to play with, and it sure as shit plays with you whether you know I.T. or not!

Geek & Ye Shall Find

Get Your G.A.M.E. On

Atlas Scribe's Genetic User Interface

I am the sui generis originator of Ass Souls Rule’s School, an Advanced Technology Online Magic School in The Game of Life. I cheekily break the fourth wall with my geek & ye shall find approach to authoring books & creating resources for discovering you’re a Magician because you just don’t know I.T. — Interfacing Technology, while Acer, my vivacious winged donkey, guides kids of all ages to discover their innate Interfacing Tech Magic.

By day I am playing in my Genetic User Interface (G.U.I.) as a systems engineer while everyone else is oblivious of their advanced technology magic! At least until they figure out that this is What Actually Takes Experience to Realize & seek out Ass Souls Rule’s School’s (ASRS) resources as ASRS is geared towards facilitating this realization and advanced technology magic development in others.