just think about I.T.

get to know I.T.

enjoy I.T.

Get to know I.T. in depth with Atlas... your Genetic User Interface, power plays, etc.

Do you get why I'm holding a mobile phone & a wand? Think about I.T....

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

~ Arthur C. Clarke

How can Interfacing Technology be magic you ask?
We are all Magicians and understanding I.T. is our task
I will explain and explore what we all dreamed to be true
As magic is as real as anything; I.T.’s not nothing out of the blue
I.T.’s rather quite mundane as we experience I.T. every day
Yet recognizing I.T. is another matter; we’ll each have our own way
For every Magician is unique and not quite like any other
Working with your own magic is what you’re here to discover

get to know I.T.

Breaking the 4th Wall is What I Do

I figure out the surreal that is true.

I am the sui generis originator of Ass Souls Rule’s School, an Advanced Technology Online Magic School in The Game of Life. I cheekily break the fourth wall with my geek & ye shall find approach to authoring books & creating resources for discovering you’re a Magician because you just don’t know I.T. — Interfacing Technology, while Acer, my vivacious winged donkey, guides kids of all ages to discover their innate Interfacing Tech Magic. 

By day I am playing in my Genetic User Interface (G.U.I.) as a systems engineer while everyone else is oblivious of their advanced technology magic! At least until they figure out that this is What Actually Takes Experience to Realize & seek out Ass Souls Rule’s School’s (ASRS) resources as ASRS is geared towards facilitating this realization and advanced technology magic development in others.

I.T. Adoption Lifecycle

Where will you be on the Interfacing Technology Adoption Lifecycle of What Actually Takes Experience to Realize -- W.A.T.E.R.?