Welcome to Atlas Scribe's Advanced Technology Online Magic School (A.T.O.M.S.) courses

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

- Arthur C. Clarke

Welcome from Atlas Scribe

Welcome to Ass Souls Rule's School (ASRS) courses where you may discover more about your inherent advanced technology... your inner magic while you play in your Genetic User Interface, your G.U.I..

This is my G.U.I. over on the left.

ASRS' resources and experiences aim to guide you to Savvy W.A.T.E.R. (What Actually Takes Experience to Realize) & Investigate your Magical-I.T. (S.W.I.M.) as we are sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic!

Ass Souls Rule's School offers Books, Courses (you'll find links to them below), SuperCool Misrule Podcast, School Trips (USA & Internationally), an Online PlayGround (Atlas' Vibe Tribe community), Assemblies (public speaking events & engagements), C.O.A.C.H.I.N.G., and Acer's A.P.P.S. for kids of all ages centered around developing your experiential savvy about yourself, your Ass Souls, & upping your game in Ass Souls Rule game of life.

discover W.A.T.E.R. at ASRS

What Actually Takes Experience to Realize

Spirit Mascot

The hedgehog is the Ass Souls Rule's School Spirit Mascot due to its spiritual qualities to recognize and self-protect from Ass Souls, to stay calm in stressful shituations with Ass Souls, to rest & relax, to be playful with its curiosity, and to play with its Interfacing Technology in the game of life.

These are skills Atlas Scribe identified as essentially beneficial while playing Ass Souls Rule experiential game. ASRS guides and encourages you to develop this savvy and skill experientially even if you go about it ass backwards sometimes, like Atlas did!, because figuring this shit out sure isn't straightforward!

playing Ass Souls Rule ~ an experiential game

in the Muddy Arena for Transactional Interfacing eXperientially in Everyday Society (M.A.T.R.I.X.E.S.)

you're another Soul in a D.O.L.L. playing with your Ass Souls

you're just another soul in a

Display Operating a Life of Learning (D.O.L.L.)

Ass Soul Rule is the

game of L.I.F.E.

Ass Soul Rule game of Learning & Interfacing in Flesh Experientially
